Do you have a photo you wish to share with us? Pictures from smaller events, awards, dinners, shoots, etc. Have a hunting , fishing, shooting , gun, archery etc. you would like to share with us. Just email us the picture using the gun club email address:
1960’s Trap – From Dale Hainer
Mr. Scot Deline, Dresden ON. Winner of 2014 Draw #1.
Jim Jackson receiving 2014 Xmas Raffle prize from Dan Reive, President SouthWest Outdoors Club
Robin King from Ridgetown, 2014 Draw #2 Winner with Aaron Butler V-P on left and Jim Jackson, Pres on right.
Barry Fraser (Left) donates to the RRGC and Jim Jackson, Pres. (right) a needlepoint picture created by Romeo H. Martin, owner of Martin Happy Hour Popcorn