Essex – Kent PPC League

Police Pistol Combat/Competition

PPC is a revolver “friendly” type of target shooting and is a great B-29way to get a new shooter into competition and hone the skills of sight alignment and trigger control. For those without a lot of time or money to spend on the firing line, the PPC course of fire is something that can be practiced to perfection through dry firing with dummy ammunition at home.
For anyone looking for a shooting game that offers some variety in shooting positions and requires total focus and mental discipline, PPC is hard to beat.

The Essex – Kent PPC matches have two categories for different firearms:

1. Open Class – a revolver (usually a six-shot revolver of .32 calibre or above) with up to 6-inch barrels and adjustable sights. Most PPC shooters use .38 Special Smith & Wesson K or L frame revolvers. There are many modifications that can be done, but a stock gun will be fine to get started. Trigger jobs, custom grips, heavy barrels and sight ribs are among the most popular modifications. Optical sights, ports or compensators, and barrels over 6 inches in length are specifically disallowed.
2. Service (or Duty) Class – a service revolver with up to 4-inch barrels and nonadjustable sights or a service semi-auto with up to 5-inch barrels. Modified service course of fire is used – Total 600 points.

Minimum equipment required:
• A holster and sturdy belt (must be “strong-side”, no cross draw or shoulder rigs).
• 3 speed loaders or 4 magazines (this is a bare minimum, the more the better).
• A loading tray (unless you have 10 speed loaders).
• A bucket or tray for your reloads and empty cartridge cases.
• Belt mounted speed loader holders for at least three loaders.
• Eye and ear protection.
• Ammunition should be light to mid-load. Magnum loads specifically disallowed.

Open Class Match: the Essex-Kent PPC League has adopted the Standard short course of fire (600 points):
• All shooting is done two handed.
• Each stage is timed.
• 60 rounds fired in 4 stages.
• The targets are B27R silhouettes.
• The start and stop signal is a whistle blast.

The first target, called the 600-A target, is for the first two stages.
Stage 1 – 12 rounds in 20 seconds at 7 yards, all double action. Standing position with no support. Starting with a loaded, holstered gun (all by range officer’s command) and at least one extra speed loader, on the signal, draw, fire six rounds, reload, then fire six more rounds before 20 seconds expire.
Stage 2 – 18 rounds in 90 seconds at 20 yards, all double action. Starting with a loaded, holstered gun and at least two extra speed loaders, on the signal, draw, kneel and shoot six rounds. Reload, then using a supplied barrier, shoot six left handed from the left side of the barricade. Reload and shoot six right handed from the right side of the barricade.After the line is safe, again by range officer’s command, you will change from your 600-A to your 600-B target.
Stage 3 – 6 rounds in 12 seconds from 20 yards, all double action. Standing position with no support. Starting with a loaded, holstered gun, when the signal sounds, shoot six rounds.
Stage 4 – 24 rounds in 165 seconds from 20 yards, may be shot single or double action. Starting with a loaded, holstered gun, and at least three extra speed loaders, on the signal, draw, assume a seated position and fire six rounds. Reload, assume a prone position, and fire six rounds. Reload, stand, and then fire six rounds left handed from the left side of the barricade. Reload, and then fire six rounds right handed from the right side of the barricade.

Service Class Match:  the Essex-Kent PPC League has adopted a modified CPCA course of fire (480 points):
• Shooting is done one or two handed, strong and weak hand.
• Each stage is timed.
• 48 rounds fired in 4 stages.
• The targets are B27R silhouettes.
• The start and stop signal is a whistle blast.

STAGE 1: 5 YARDS: 12 rds. in total; all from low ready

2 rounds in 3 seconds, strong hand only.

2 rounds in 3 seconds, strong hand only

2 rounds strong hand, reload, 2 rounds weak hand in 12 sec’s.

2 rounds in 3 seconds, weak hand only.

2 rounds in 3 seconds, weak hand only.

STAGE 2: 7 YARDS: 12 rds. in total;

All from holster, all strong hand only.

3 rounds in 5 seconds and re-holster

3 rounds, reload and 3 rounds in 12 sec. then re-holster.

3 rounds in 5 seconds.

STAGE 3: 10 YARDS: 12 rds. in total;

All from holster, standing position, all two handed.

3 rounds in 5 seconds and re-holster

3 rounds, reload and 3 rounds in 12 sec. then re-holster.

3 rounds in 5 seconds.

STAGE 4. 15 YARDS….12 rds. in 20 seconds.

Draw from holster, all two handed. Standing position.

  1. a) From standing position draw and fire 6 rounds unsupported, reload and fire 6 rounds unsupported in 20 seconds

Match & League Information

  • Cost for Open Match or Service Match is $5.00
  • Can shoot one or both on any Match night.
  • Match usually begins around 7PM and ends by 9PM.
  • Pre and Post Shoots are allowed to cover for missed nights.
  • $1.00 per shooter returned to host club to cover target cost.
  • $4.00 remainder is pooled for cash awards at end of season
  • Prizes awarded based on the Lewis System.
  • For scheduled shoot nights see Download Section below.

2017 shooters. Brian, Rob,Ryan, Josh,Roger, Jim, Leo, Mike L., Joe, Mike S., Tim, Clyde, Bill and Don

EssexKent PPC 2015

2015 shooters Mike, Bill, Tim, Jim J, Robert, Scotty, Leo, Jim M, Paul & Roger
